Friday, March 5, 2010

6. Cooking Temperature: Calculate Ideal Grill Height

This is the first in the following series of blogs on the ideal cooking temperature for grilling a steak over live coals:

1. Cooking Temperature: Ideal Temperature
2. Cooking Temperature: 1600 Degrees?
3. Cooking Temperature: Need to Modify Grill Height
4. Cooking Temperature: Measure Temperature
5. Cooking Temperature: Measure Grill Height
6. Cooking Temperature: Calculate Ideal Grill Height
7. Cooking Temperature: Modify Grill Height
8. Cooking Temperature: Inverse Square Law

Previous blogs describe how to measure the temperature of an unmodified grill and how to measure the distance from the grill level to the live coals.

With both the temperature and the distance of your grill, one can calculate the ideal distance between the top of the grill (the meat level) and the top of the live coals.

The calculation of this ideal distance is complicated. A future blog will describe the formula for this calculation.

The ideal distance between the top of the grill and the top of the coals differs for every grill. SteakPerfection uses a special computer program to calculate the ideal distance. Because the math is so complicated, SteakPerfection is offering as a free service to calculate the ideal distance.

To take advantage of this offer, email the two numbers you calculated above:

(1) The first number is the temperature at meat level, when you’re grilling with good lump coals. For most people, this will be about 370°.

(2) The second number is the exact distance -- to one-eigth of an inch -- between the top of the grill (where the steak rests on the grill) and the top of the burning lump charcoal. For most Weber grills, this is a distance of about 5”.

Email these two numbers to and then I will run the calculations and email back the ideal distance for your grill to cook at 750°, using your normal amount of lump charcoal.

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